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M2-PK™ EDTA Plasma Test

Kumar, Y.; Tapuria, N.; Kirmani, N.; Davidson, B.R. (2007)

Tumour M2-pyruvate kinase: a gastrointestinal cancer marker; European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 19:265-276
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Goonetilleke, K.S.; Mason, J.M.; Siriwardana, P.; King, N.K.; France, M.W.; Siriwardena, A.K. (2007)

Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Plasma Tumor M2 Pyruvate Kinase in Periampullary Cancer: Evidence for a Novel Biological Marker of Adverse Prognosis, Pancreas. 34(3):318-324, April 2007
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Hugo, F.; Mazurek, S.; Hardt, P.D.; Eigenbrodt, E. (2004)

Quantitative Detection of Tumor M2_PK: Evaluation of Blood and Stool Specimen Stability, 16th IFCC-FESCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory MEdicine/FOCUS 2005 National Meeting of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, 8.-12. Mai 2005, Glasgow/UK
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Kaura, B.; Bagga, R.; Patel, F.D. (2004)

Evaluation of the Pyruvate Kinase isoenzyme tumor (Tu M2-PK) as a tumor marker for cervial carcinoma, J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. Vol. 30, No. 3: 193-196
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Koss, K.; Harrison, R.F.; Gregory, J.; Darnton, S.J.; Anderson, M.R.; Jankowski, J.A.Z. (2004)

The metabolic marker tumor M2 pyruvate kinase type M2 (Tumor M2-PK) shows increased expression along the metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence in Barrett′s oesophagus, J Clin Pathol, 57: 1156-1159
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Sapoutzis, N.; Oremek, G.M. (2002)

Evaluation of Tumor M2 Pyruvatekinase Values in Patients with Lung Diseases; Pirker, R. (Edt.): 8th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Vienna (Austria), September 1-4, 2002: 75-80
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Mazurek, S.; Lüftner, D.; Wechsel, H.W.; Schneider, J.; Eigenbrodt, E. (2002)

Tumor M2-PK: A Marker of the Tumor Metabolome, Eleftherios, P.Diamandis et al (Edts.): Tumor Markers: Physiology, Technology and Clinical Applications, AACC Press 2002: 471-475
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Lüftner, D.; Schweigert,M.; Geppert, R.; Possinger, K. (2001)

Tumor Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase in Colorectal Cancer: A Predictive Activity Marker versus Classical Mass Tumor Markers; 3rd International Conference – Persepectives in Colorectal Cancer, June 7-9, 2001, Dublin, Ireland
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Teigelkamp, S.; Schneider, J.; Schulze, G.; Eigenbrodt, E. (2000)

The Tumor Marker Tumor M2-PK: Current State of the Art, 28th Meeting of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, ISOBM 2000
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Pankreatische Elastase 1™ Stuhltest

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Die komplette Literaturliste zum Thema ist unter „Literatur-Anforderung“ zu finden.

Maconi,G.; Dominici, R.; Molteni, M.; Ardizzone, S.; Bosani, M.; Ferrara, E.; Gallus, S.; Panteghini, M.; Bianchi Porro, G. (2007)

Prevalence of Pancreatic Insufficiency in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Assessment by Fecal Elastase-1, Dig Dis SCI DOI 10.1007/s10620-007-9852-y
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Leeds, J.S., Hopper, A.D.; Edwards, S.J.; Hurlstone, D.P.; McAlindon M.E.; Morley, S.; Sanders, D.S. (2005)

Prospective Study of the Prevalence of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Adult Coeliac Disease using Faecal Elastase-1, Digestive Disease Week (DDW), Chicago, USA, 14.-19. Mai 2005
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Leeds, J.S.; Hopper, D.; Edwards, S.J.; Hurlstone, D.P.; McAlindon, M.E.; Morley, S.; Sanders, D.S. (2005)

The Relation between Adult Coeliac Disease and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: 12 Month Follow Up and Intervention Data, Jahrestagung der British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) , Birmingham, UK, 14.-17. März 2005, Gut April 2005, Suppl. No. 2, Vol. 54: page A3
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Elphick, D.A.; Kapur, K. (2005)

Comparing the Urinary Pancreolauryl Ratio and Faecal Elastase-1 as Indicators of Pancreatic Insufficiency in Clinical Practice, Pancreatology 2005; 5: 196-200
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Cohen, J.R.; Shall, J.I.; Ittenbach, R.F.; Zemel, B.S.; Stallings, V.A. (2005)

Fecal Elastase: Pancreatic Status Verification and Influence on Nutritional Status in Children with Cystic Fibrosis, J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Apr; 40 (4): 438-444
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Walkowiak, J.; Sands, D.; Nowakowska, A.; Piotrowski, R.; Zybert, K.; Herzig, K.H.; Milanowski, A. (2005)

Early Decline of Pancreatic Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Class 1 or 2 CFTR Mutations, J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Feb; 40 (2): 199-201
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Baker, S.S.; Borowitz, D.; Duffy, L.; Fitzpatrick, L.; Gyamfi, J.; Baker, R.D. (2005)

Pancreatic Enzyme Therapie and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, J Pediatr. 2005 Feb;1 46 (2): 189-193
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Borowitz, D.; Baker, S.S.; Duffy, L.; Baker, R.D.; Fitzpatrick, L.; Gyamfi, J.; Jarembek, K. (2004)

Use of fecal Elastase-1 to classify pancreatic Status in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis, J Pediatr. 2004 Sep, 145 (3): 322-326
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Hardt, P.D., Nalop, J.; Marzeion, M.; Klör, H.U. (2003)

fäkale Elastase-1 Konzentrationenals Parameter für die Exokrine Pankreasfunktion: Vergleich mit der ERCP-Morphologie und der fäkalen Fettausscheidung, 58. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS), Nürnberg, 17.-20. September 2003
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Dominici, R.; Franzini, C. (2002)

Fecal Elastase-1 as a Test for Pancreatic Funktion: a Review, Clin Chem Lab Med 2002; 40 (4): 325-332
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Hardt, P.D.; Hauenschild, A.; Jaeger, C.; Teichmann, J.; Bretzel, R.G.; Kloer, H.U. et al (2002)

High Prevalence of Steatorrhea in Diabetic Patients with Low Fecal Elastase 1 Concentrations , Gemeinsames Treffen des European Pancreatic Club und der International Association of Pancreatology, Heidelberg, 19.-22. Juni 2002
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Walkowiak, J.; Nousia-Arvanitakis, S.; Agguridaki, C.; Fotoulaki, M.; Strzykala, K.; Balassopoulou, A.; Witt, M.; Herzig, K.-H. (2002)

Longitudinal follow-up of exocrine pancreatic function in pancreatic sufficient cystic fibrosis patients, Gemeinsames Treffen des European Pancreatic Club und der International Association of Pancreatology, Heidelberg, 19.-22. Juni 2002
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Hardt, P.D.; Hauenschild, A.; Jaeger, C.; Teichmann, J.; Bretzel, R.G.; Kloer, H.U. (2002)

Steatorrhoe ist häufig bei Patienten mit Typ 1 oder Typ 2 Diabetes Mellitus bei reduzierten Elastase 1 Konzentrationen im Stuhl, 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft (DDG), Dresden, 8.-11. Mai 2002
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Marzeion, A.M.; Hardt, P.D.; Meuser, D.A.; Müller, A.; Bretzel, R.G.; Klör, H.U.; Berliner, M. (2002)

Funktion des exokrinen Pankreas bei Systemsklerose: Bestimmung der immunoreaktiven fäkalen Elastase als spezifischer Test zur Erkennung einer Insuffizienz des exokrinen Pankreas, 108. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Wiesbaden 6.-10. April 2002
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Gökce, Y.; Gediz, A.; Soydan, N.; Erkal, Z.M.; Bilgin, Y.; Klör, H.U.; Bretzel, R.G. (2002)

Reduzierte exokrine Pankreasfunktion bei türkischen Diabetikern in Deutschland, 108. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Wiesbaden 6.-10. April 2002
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Teichmann, J.; Mann, S.; Lange, U.; Stracke, H.; Klör, H.U.; Bretzel, R.G. (2002)

Stellenwert der exokrinen Pankreasfunktion in der Diagnostik der Osteoporose männlicher Patienten mit chronischer Pankreatitits, 108. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Wiesbaden 6.-10. April 2002
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Klör, H.U. (2001)

Chronische Pankreatitis: Pathogenese und Diagnostik. Zur Bedeutung des Elastase 1-Stuhltest, Pressekonferenz am 22. April 2001 107. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, Wiesbaden
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Teichmann, J.; Lange, U.; Hardt, P.D.; Schnell-Kretschmer, H.; Stracke, H.; Bretzel, R.G.; Klör, H.U. (2001)

Pancreatic Elastase 1 in Patients with Osteoporosis, Congress Osteologie 2001, Wiesbaden, 4.-7. April 2001
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Etemad. B.; Whitcomb, D.C. (2001)

Chronic Pancreatitis: Diagnosis, Classification, and New Genetic Developments, Gastroenterology (2001), 120: 682-707
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Henker, J.; Thamm, K.; Münstermann, S.; Näke, A.; Rohayem, J.; Winkler, U. (2000)

Gastroenterologische Probleme bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Typ1 Diabetis mellitus, 35. Jahrestagungder Deutschen Diabetis-Gesellschaft, München, 31. Mai – 3. Juni 2000
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Cade, A.; Walter, M.P.; McGinley, N.; Firth, J.; Brownlee, K.G.; Conway, S.P.; Littlewood, J.M. (2000)

Evaluation of fecal pancreatic elastase 1 as a measure of pancreatic exocrine function in children with cystic fibrosis, Pedr Pulmonol 29 (3): 172-176
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Phillips, I.J.; Rowe, D.J.; Connet, G.; Dewar, P. (1999)

Faecal Elastase 1: A marker of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis, Ann Clin Biochem 36: 739-742
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Gullo, L.; Ventrucci, M.; Tomassetti, P.; Migliori, M.; Pezilli, R. (1999)

Fecal Elastase 1 Determination in Chronic Pancreatitis, Dig Dis Sci 44 (1): 210-213
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Hardt, P.D.; Bretz, L.; Kraus, A.; Schnell-Kretschmer, H.; Doppl, W.E.; Oezcueruemez, M.; Sziegoleit, A.; Kloer, H.U. (1997)

Impaired Exocrine Pancreatic Function in Cholelithiasis, Digestion 58: S2
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